For Gentleman
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Ladies Login
Frequently asked questions
非会員 男性用
Q : What are your business hours?
A : Between 11am through 10pm weekdays and Saturdays
We will be flexible on interview arrangements. Please feel free to contact us.
Q : What kind of gentlemen are the members?
A : Gentlemen who are 25 years or older and are Company executives, Doctors, Lawyers, and Business owners.
Q : What is the pace of increase in the number of female membership?
A : At least 10 new members join the salon per month. The salon plans to increase more sophisticated and attractive members each month.
Q : What are the characteristics of the salon?
A : The salon is a complete offline matching service for members only. The salon will provide complete support from interview to actual meeting.
Q : How is the personal information handled?
A : he docuntaining personal information the applicant submitted is managed and stored in strict control. Please rest assured, there has not been any leakage of information.
Q : Where is your office?
A : Our office is located in Hollywood
Q : I want to keep my joining confidential. Can I trust the security of the personal information?
A : We will use a salon name on the individual page in the site after joining our salon. You should not be concerned of any leakage.
Q : What are the requirements to join?
A : We visually confirm your ID with photo upon your registration, including valid Drivers license, residency card with photo, certificate of registered foreigner, passport, or employees ID card with photo and date of birth.
Q : I live away from LA, can I register myself as a member?
A : Regardless of where you live, you can register. Please note that people living in outside of LA may get fewer offers since our main activities are centered around LA Please refer to our inquiry form to apply.
Q : How much will it cost me to become a register member?
A : It is completely free for ladies to apply for your registration.
Q : Do I have to submit “My Number?”
A : No. since this a matchmaking salon You and the salon will not get into employment relation. We will not ask you to submit your “My Number”}
Q : What is the system like?
A : The salon provides matching service for a male member and a female member. Our concierge plays a mediators role from interview, setting up, through meeting up.
Q : What is the time range I will be meeting with the members?
A : Some members like to meet you before and after lunch hours or over the dinner. For over-dinner date, majority of the members are advised end by 10pm.
Q : I belong to a company in the entertainment business. Would my company find out this?
A : Not unless you brag about it out of your own mouth. We have many people registered from the entertainment businesses, some of whom are now on magazines or TV after leaving from our salon. There are referring ways other than on-site referrals. Please consult with us at the time interview.